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If you decide to start a business, you will need to decide which legal form of business to choose. Most common forms are self-employment, a partnership. If your company is VAT registered, you usually return VAT received from your customers to tax authority (HMRC) every three months after having. If you order accounting and bookkeeping services, we will prepare the year-end accounts and calculate the Corporation tax without additional charge.

A company, a self-employed person or a partnership working on construction sites must register under the Construction industry Scheme. Since 2017, all employers are responsible for the pension accumulation of their employees. If there is more than one employee in a company. We will give you useful tax advice and practical help in dealing with HMRC and organizing your tax returns.

We offer tax-saving strategies in.
Entryflex Ltd is the accountancy firm that will take care of your company's accounting records in using contemporary methods.
This area requires not only the knowledge and experience but also the time to go deeper into all the new laws regulating business taxes.
You can focus on direct business improvement and development; we will take care of accounting.
You will be able to know the financial situation of your company in real time; it will help you to predict the amount of taxes payable after the end of the financial year.
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